UNIX is an operating system as like other OS available in market. Its does the task as any other OS does, running programmes, managing resources and communicating with other computer systems.
The uniqueness of UNIX OS is, multiple users can access the same system simultenously, hence we call UNIX a multiuser system. Multiple users can access the machine, run their programmes, do their work all in the same computer, which is not possible in a windows OS. Moreover these users can run multiple programmes from a UNIX machine, hence it is called a multitasking system.
UNIX is also called as a Multichoice system as it has three different primary command-line interface. This command line interface is called shell. Three available flavours of this command-line interface (shell) are Bourne shell, Korn shell and C shell.
UNIX has more than 250 individual commands ranging from simpler to complex ones for high speed networking, developing software and file revision management. Whereas Microsfot MS-DOS and Apple Macintosh has very fewer commands. These interfaces are easy to use which give only less controll to the user.
The way unix system stores data, ordering of files, connection to the external devices are entirely different from Windows or Macintosh OS. Unix use plain text for storing data; it has a hierarchical file system. Everything in UNIX is a file. Every programme, data, external devices everything. It treat devices and certain types of inter-process communication as files.
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